
The Liberal Resistance Maquis is no longer recruiting.  Our squadron exists in Elite Dangerous canon within the Decean system. 

How to Join

You are welcome to join the squadron, but as of 5/12/3308, it is now mostly inactive and resides in the dying “console” universe. 

1. Login to your ship in Elite Dangerous.

2. Open your ship’s right-hand panel and click on the Squadrons button.

3. Search for our squadron: Liberal Resistance Maquis or browse the list of squadron names using the filter settings until you find us.

4. Explore the squadron information and submit an application to join.

5. Your application will be reviewed, and you will be accepted or rejected, maybe.

6. Don’t be anti-social. Watch the squadron list and request to wing with fellow members.

Benefits of Teamwork in a Wing

The benefits of working as a team in a wing include: 

*Targeting a wingman automatically targets their wake when applicable.

*Targeting a wingman in a different system will target their system in your navigation computer (allows for quick response times for mutual aid and protection).

*All scans performed by fellow wingmen are shared when at the same location.

*Using wingman wakes allow you to travel to them faster and safer.

*You cannot commit crimes against fellow wingmen.

*Cargo can be legally passed between wingmen (it won’t become illegal for them if dropped and picked up).

*You can use wingmen as navigation locks, which will allow you to follow them in and out of super cruise, hyperspace, and local wakes.

*You can turn on a beacon so other wingman can locate you easily.

*You can share wingman missions.

*You can share in trade dividends if in the same system.

*You can share in exploration profit if in the same system.


MAKE uses the following rank system, which is fluid.  Rank may be reassessed at any time based on Commander commitment and activity:

*Liberator – Chief Sovereign Administrator over MAKE.

*Sovereign – New Sovereigns will be promoted as they achieve enough resources to purchase a fleet carrier and enroll it as a MAKE mobile city state as per Labour of Rhea’s constitutional mandate.  Military Sovereigns, in advice and consultation with their city state governments, may elevate city state military executive staff (senior bridge officers) to the rank of Sovereign during their service to the city state.  Sovereign’s should actively engage in operations at least 3 to 4 times per week in order to maintain their pledged Commanders’ commitment and motivation.

*Courier – Given to members that have pledged themselves to the service of a MAKE mobile city state (fleet carrier) or controlled system.  Couriers must be active pilots, wing with their fellow Commanders, and engage in operations at least 2 to 3 times per week.

*Maquisard – Given to members that have winged with fellow squad mates and been assessed for squad fit.  They should pledge their services to a mobile city state or controlled system.  Maquisards generally have casual engagement styles and assist MAKE as their time allows.

*Réfractaire – These are new members that have not flown in a wing with squad mates to be assessed for squad fit.  They are in effect unmanageable, often act as lone wolves, and their actions have not yet promoted them to full member of the squad.

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