Author: Arpeegy

April 30, 2022 Arpeegy

Maquisards, Once again, Liberal Resistance Maquis (MAKE) must fight to restore the civil rights of those oppressed by illiberal tyrants.  The liars, criminals, gangsters, and thugs that bend the knee to the corrupt and evil Ancient Legio feudal lord, mistook our benevolence as weakness.  After their complete route in battle, their leader groveled for peace…

April 23, 2022 Arpeegy

As we continue in our mission of restoring and preserving democracy in the Federation, it is important to remember the lessons of the past. Democracy is fragile, and stunts like Zachary Hudson’s attempted power grab, a pathetic attempt to install himself as a dictator, do not make democracies healthier. We will never support any action…

April 16, 2022 Arpeegy

MAKE and The People of Decean are pleased to support our ally in their quest to build a prosperous democratic state. Press Release: “A delivery campaign in the HIP 22550 system will help build additional starports for the Marlinist Colonies. First Minister Octavia Volkov delivered this public address: “The Marlinist Colonies were born out of…

April 8, 2022 Arpeegy

Commanders, It is with great pride that I once again say thank you to the veteran pilots of MAKE.  Your combined efforts gave us an overwhelming victory against the forces of Ancient Legio. You routed Ancient Legio from battle every day and sent a strong message that they would never be welcome in Decean.  After…

April 3, 2022 Arpeegy

Greetings Mastigrancazzi, Allow me to introduce myself. I am Liberator Arpeegy, chief administrator of Liberal Resistance Maquis (MAKE) and military Sovereign of City State Democracy J3Q-5HN, duly appointed by Democracy’s Prime Minister and confirmed by Democracy’s representative Council.  Our Prime Minister has authorized me to deliver this message to you. You need to know two…

March 20, 2022 Arpeegy

On March 20, 3308, MAKE liberated its new home system of Decean.  The People of MAKE send their gratitude to the many brave Commanders that made this possible.  Well done!

February 26, 2022 Arpeegy

My fellow Commanders, Our leadership sends their gratitude for your willingness to liberate New Rhea from the enemies of democracy.  Our recent successes speak well of your courage and dedication to the principles of freedom and democracy.  Remember, whenever any demagogue begins to speak about establishing an “illiberal” world order what they are actually promising…

February 19, 2022 Arpeegy

Greetings Commanders, It has been a busy few Galactic weeks.  City State Democracy will continue to support MAKE’s expansion efforts in addition to phase four of the Colonia Bridge project.  Commanders wishing to participate should wing with their fellow pilots and station on Democracy.  There are millions of credits to be made in this adventure….

February 8, 2022 Arpeegy

Greetings Commanders, Democracy’s leadership directed me to let you know that their emissaries have been successful in securing a MAKE foothold outside of Rhea. Our military arm can now work to grow and bring about the liberation of Rhea from the outside.  The location of the new system will be code named “New Rhea” on…

February 5, 2022 Arpeegy

CMDRs, As some of you may have heard, President Zachary Hudson is planning a coup to stay in power indefinitely. The news from Galnet reads: “Hudson Attempts to Remove Presidential Limit The Federal government has announced plans to extend Zachary Hudson’s term as president beyond the legally allotted span. Every Federation president serves a single…