October 4, 2021 Arpeegy

I am very pleased to announce that our democratic revolutionary forces have liberated Rhea 1A from the corporatists.  The People of Rhea give their gratitude to the many brave pilots of MAKE that have made this day possible. Through our long campaign we have managed to liberate The People of Cormack Penal Colony, Foreman Holdings,…

September 26, 2021 Arpeegy

I am pleased to report that Democracy’s first Guardian archeological dig was immensely successful.  The location of this system will be added to the MAKE Squadron galaxy map markers.   Our squadron was able to collect hundreds of Guardian components and numerous Guardian artifacts for our scientists to study.  We hope these artifacts will lead…

September 26, 2021 Arpeegy

As Commander Rampageous One so clearly articulates in his recent post, the galaxy is facing a very real alien threat.  The findings of our research division demonstrate clearly why Labour of Rhea has prioritized our Guardian Technology expeditions. Although there are many unknowns, we should push aside our fears and walk bravely into the void…

September 25, 2021 Rampageous One

The recent events following the September 16th Thargoid invasion of the Cornsar system as predicted by the mysterious actor known as “Salvation” caught the eye of many top freedom fighters on board the Democracy J3Q-5HN. The seemingly eerie reliability of “Salvations” predictions has those of Democracys Science Division (DSD) curious in said actors claim to have…

September 21, 2021 Arpeegy

Greetings Commanders, Just a reminder to continue to take high influence missions to stabilize our political standing in Rhea.  Also, fleet carrier Democracy will be bouncing between LP726 and Rhea as we support necessary pirate hunting missions. As you may know, I choose to name my ships after historical female freedom fighters.  My Sidewinder is…

September 12, 2021 Arpeegy

Since regaining de Sousa Terminal, our enemies have been aggressively pushing back to restore corporate power and crush our democracy.  Their propaganda campaign and domestic terrorism operations have increased against our homeland.  We must all work to stabilize our system influence to defeat the corporatists.  Labour of Rhea is asking that all pilots concentrate on…

September 4, 2021 Arpeegy

It seems that one constant in the history of humanity is we must always fight to have and to maintain democracy.  Democracy is the most worthy cause of all of humankind’s endeavors. We must never forget the history of democracy, its many heroes, and its many enemies.  Earth, the birthplace of humanity, had many glorious…

August 26, 2021 Arpeegy

It was with great pride that I entered de Sousa Terminal after MAKE liberated it a second time from anti-democracy forces. Thank you very much to all our commanders that put their lives on the line for the good citizens of Labour of Rhea.  May the people of Rhea never have to toil under the…

August 21, 2021 Arpeegy

Fleet Carrier Democracy arrived at the Rhea system to find our home guard deeply entrenched in defending Labour of Rhea from fascist forces loyal to Traditional Rhea Front.  Due to the dedicated efforts of our home guard, Labour of Rhea won a decisive victory against these enemies of democracy. One commander’s actions stood above the…

August 9, 2021 Arpeegy

Commanders, Fleet Carrier Democracy will begin making the long voyage home from Colonia. During the trip you are welcome to mine for Tritium when the carrier is in a system with a Tritium hotspot.  We will need to mine about 900 more tons of Tritium to complete the journey.  The completion of this mining will…