Fleet Carrier Operations
MAKE outfits fleet carriers as mobile city states that can be used to support democracy throughout the Federation. Planned fleet carrier operations will be posted here so that commanders can choose to be docked to a fleet carrier prior to its mission start.
Democracy – J3Q-5HN (Decommissioned on 5/12/3308. See History page for details.)
Our Maquisards wear the following insignia while in service to our city state.
Right Shoulder Patch | Left Shoulder Patch |
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Democracy is the first mobile city state chartered by Labour of Rhea for MAKE. It was freed from its revolutionary obligation within Rhea, given sovereignty, and asked to seek out democratic allies, secure advanced technologies, and to discover new livable words for the children of Labour of Rhea, and other supporters of democracy, to colonize and form their own civilizations. To this end, city state Democracy was outfitted to support 93,570 citizens of Labour of Rhea. 70,000 citizens were initially selected to make Democracy their home and to allow room for the population to grow. Every citizen selected was a young adult volunteer that supported MAKE during the liberation of Rhea 1 A.
It was important to these new citizens to form a democratic government that cherished, maintained, and promoted the culture and mythology of Labour of Rhea. The People decided that each member settlement of Labour of Rhea would contribute 10,000 volunteers to become citizens of Democracy. These settlements were formed into Houses for the purpose of creating a new representative Council government. Each House was named after a child of Rhea from mythology. The Houses include:
Alvarado Defence Base, which was named Poseidon;
Foreman Holdings, which was named Hestia;
Chatterjee Military Fort, which was named Zeus;
Goddard Lab and refugees from the unfree Rhea territories, which was named Persephone;
Lewis's Biosphere, which was named Demeter;
Cormack Penal Colony, which was named Hades; and
de Sousa Terminal, which was named Hera.
Each House elected a Council member to form a seven member legislative chamber and an Arbiter to form a seven member judiciary. These members will hold their positions for 10 years or until the House that elected them has a majority vote of no confidence. At which point, a new member will be elected from the House to fill the vacancy.
Council members will take on the name of their House as an honorary title during their service. The proper way to address them within Democracy is by the House's given name to signify the Council member's position of trust: Poseidon, Hestia, Zeus, Persephone, Demeter, Hades, or Hera. Outside of Democracy they will be addressed as Honorable Councilor then House name, example: Honorable Councilor Poseidon. Labour of Rhea, our prime ally and mother democracy, will be referred to simply as Rhea as a sign of respect when on Democracy.
Arbiters are given the honorary title of Hand, which is preceded by the House name. The proper way to address them within Democracy, as an example, is Poseidon's Hand. Outside of Democracy they will be referred to by judicial title of their house, such as Arbiter of Poseidon.
The Council is responsible for selecting and electing our Prime Minister known as Rhea1A. The Prime Minister's formal title within Democracy is Rhea First Prime. Outside of Democracy they will simply be called Prime Minister. Once a Rhea First Prime is selected, the selection will be placed before The People for a confirmation vote. If The People agree and consent to the selection by a super-majority (70% approval) then the Rhea First Prime will be sworn into office by the Arbiter of the selectee's House. If The People do not consent to the selection, then the Council will make another selection after gathering advice from among The People.
The Council is responsible for crafting all laws, which must be signed by Rhea First Prime to take effect. A law can also be enacted by unanimous consent of all Council members without Rhea First Prime's signature.
Arbiters interpret all laws and resolve all disputes within the law. Any law adjudicated by the full judiciary is final. Each Arbiter is the primary judicial officer for their House.
Rhea First Prime is the chief executive and is tasked with carrying out all laws. Rhea First Prime serves for 10 years or until a majority vote of no confidence from the Council. At which point a new Rhea First Prime would be selected. Rhea First Prime must also select the military Sovereign with the advice and consent of the Council. The military Sovereign is responsible for all military and security matters for the city state and serves at the will and pleasure of Rhea First Prime. Their primary mission is the survival of the city state in times of emergency and the safety of its elected leaders and citizens. Liberator Arpeegy was proud to accept this honor for Democracy.
Sovereign: Liberator Arpeegy
First Officer: MonocleMan001
Chief Science Officer: Rampageous One
Courier, Air Group (CAG): GHOST FOX86
Maquisards desiring to pledge their service to city state Democracy should contact one of the above commanders to receive coordinates of Democracy. Maquisards may be elevated to Couriers during their service aboard Democracy based on their weekly engagement.
City State Democracy's Operations can be seen here by our CMDRs with active Discord access. To gain access to this channel, send Liberator Arpeegy your Discord member number using your ship's message panel.
City State Democracy and its personnel identify themselves using the following insignia.
The insignia for Liberal Resistance Maquis (MAKE). Depicted here in every color and gender of humankind is the mark of MAKE. The cross of Lorraine which was used by early 20th century freedom fighters during ancient Earth's second world war embodies a need for liberation and freedom within the Federation. It is through the force of resistance that the torch of liberated enlightenment will be enkindled and it is the flying pilots who are willing to pay the cost of freedom who will fulfill this victory.
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The insignia for City State Democracy. We stand ready to open our clenched fist of resistance and welcome with open hands and friendship those seeking guidance towards freedom and democracy. We bestow the sword of liberty to those who lack the means to shed the blood of their oppressors. We are the equalizer. We restore justice.
We honor our home system, Rhea, and the seven Houses birthed from Labour of Rhea that give Democracy its independent, and sovereign, voice among the stars.
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Liberator Arpeegy is the child of poor spacers that scratched out a hard living running biowaste from Federal colonies within the core systems and returning needed food items. Arpeegy inherited the family's old cargo hauler and continued the same biowaste trucking. Arpeegy quickly came to realize that in the Federation a person was simply a wage slave born into corporate servitude.
Arpeegy joined the Pilots Federation and worked up the ranks. Arpeegy initially aligned with Zachary Hudson and joined his Federal Security Service. After becoming disillusioned with Zachary's narcissism, anti-democracy propaganda, and idiocy, Arpeegy pledged to Felicia Winters and became an Admiral under her shadow presidency.
You can read MAKE's history to learn how Admiral Arpeegy became Liberator Arpeegy, fighting for democracy and freedom for all Federal citizens.
Arpeegy is a fan of history and historical artifacts from Earth's ancient past. Below you will find a selection of some of Arpeegy's favorite music from that era that coincides with MAKE's pro-democracy mission.
Favorite freedom fighter song:
Favorite Civil Rights song:
Favorite War song:
Favorite throwback anti-demagogue song reminiscent of Zachary Hudson's own Make the Federation Great Again, coup plotting, anti-democracy, pro-fascist nonsense:>
Favorite unity and progress song:>
Favorite political songs that represent parallels in Federation history from 2021 to 3307:>
Liberator Ships
Liberator Arpeegy ships named after nonfictional and fictional women resistance and Civil Rights fighters. All of these women fought for liberty, equality, and justice even if they did not get to enjoy the benefits of their labor. Ship ID plates labeled Resist are dedicated fighter ships stationed on Democracy. Ship ID plates labeled as MAKE are nonfighter ships stationed on Democracy.Ship Type | Name | ID Plate | Assigned Area | Learn More |
Hauler | Hantze Plotnicka | MAKE01 | Democracy | Hantze Plotniczki |
Sidewinder | Faye Schulman | Resist | Democracy | Faye Schulman |
Adder | Frumka Plotnicka | MAKE02 | Democracy | Frumka Plotnicka |
Eagle | Irena Adamowicz | Resist | Democracy | Irena Adamowicz |
Viper MK III | Renia Kukielka | Resist | Democracy | Renia Kukielka |
Imperial Eagle | Christina Laury | Resist | Democracy | Christina Laury |
Type-6 Transporter | Recy Taylor | MAKE03 | Democracy | Recy Taylor |
Diamondback Scout | Claudette Colvin | MAKE04 | Democracy | Claudette Colvin |
Cobra MK III | Rosa Parks | MAKE05 | Democracy | Rosa Parks |
Viper MK IV | Ida B. Wells | Resist | Democracy | Ida B. Wells |
Imperial Courier | Edna Griffin | Resist | Democracy | Edna Griffin |
Imperial Courier | Ruby Bridges | Xeno-3 | Malanges | Ruby Bridges |
Dolphin | Helene Studler | MAKE06 | Democracy | Helene Studler |
Keelback | Hannah Senesh | MAKE07 | Democracy | Hannah Senesh |
Diamondback Explorer | Hannie Schaft | MAKE08 | Democracy | Hannie Schaft |
ASP Scout | Dorothy Height | MAKE09 | Democracy | Dorothy Height |
Vulture | Amelia Boynton | Resist | Democracy | Amelia Boynton |
Vulture | Truus Oversteegen | Resist | Democracy | Truus Oversteegen |
ASP Explorer | Noor Inayat Khan | MAKE10 | Democracy | Noor Inayat Khan |
Federal Dropship | Lyudmila Pavlichenko | Resist | Democracy | Lyudmila Pavlichenko |
Federal Assault Ship | Freddie Oversteegen | Resist | Democracy | Freddie Oversteegen |
Type-7 Transporter | Josephine Baker | MAKE11 | Democracy | Josephine Baker |
Orca | Cheng Benhua | MAKE12 | Democracy | Cheng Benhua |
Imperial Clipper | Fannie Lou Hamer | MAKE13 | Democracy | Fannie Lou Hamer |
Federal Gunship | Nancy Wake | Resist | Democracy | Nancy Wake |
Alliance Crusader | Jennie Hodgers | Rhea1A | Rhea | Jennie Hodgers |
Alliance Chieftan | Sarah Emma Edmonds | Rhea1A | Rhea | Sarah Emma Edmonds |
Alliance Challenger | Sarah Rosetta Wakeman | Rhea1A | Rhea | Sarah Rosetta Wakeman |
Fer-de-Lance | Kara Thrace | Resist | Democracy | Kara Thrace |
Mamba | Sharon Agathon | Resist | Democracy | Sharon Agathon |
Krait Phantom | Chrisjen Avasarala | Xeno-2 | Malanges | Chrisjen Avasarala |
Krait MK II | Germaine Tillion | Xeno-1 | Malanges | Germaine Tillion |
Python | Jane Vialle | Resist | Democracy | Jane Vialle |
Type-9 Heavy | Mya Yi | Rhea1A | Rhea | Mya Yi |
Type-9 Heavy | Naomi Nagata | MAKE14 | Democracy | Naomi Nagata |
Type-10 Defender | Simone Segouin | Rhea1A | Rhea | Simone Segouin |
Federal Corvette | Niuta Teitelbaum | Resist | Democracy | Niuta Teitelbaum |
Federal Corvette | Camina Drummer | Resist | Democracy | Camina Drummer |
Anaconda | Genevieve de Gaulle | MAKE15 | Democracy | Genevieve de Gaulle-Anthonioz |
Imperial Cutter | Karoline Kirk | MAKE16 | Democracy | Labour of Rhea Aide |
Beluga Liner | Hedy Lamarr | Rhea1A | Rhea | Hedy Lamarr |
Imperial Cutter | Virginia Hall | MAKE17 | Democracy | Virginia Hall |