Fleet Carrier Democracy – J3Q-5HN

July 17, 2021 Arpeegy

Today, I was honored to accept command of the first fleet carrier commissioned by Labour of Rhea in support of Liberal Resistance Maquis (MAKE).  The carrier is proudly named after our vision for Rhea and the Federation: Democracy.

I was proud to get my tour of this great vessel by its highly trained and professional crew.  Watching them in action as we made our first jump was truly impressive.

The carrier has been moved into the LP 726-6 system in support of our bounty hunting and mining missions.  We are calling on available pilots to support the carrier in its mission and to assist in topping off its Tritium fuel reserves.  It is suggested to move a bounty hunting and mining equipped ship to the vessel.  Additionally, donations of precious metals will be accepted to support the carrier’s operating costs.

Once the fuel tank is topped off the carrier will be jumping to Colonia for a rescue mission of one of our commanders that was shanghaied.  The mission will take approximately 45 jumps and 15 hours to complete.  It is suggested that pilots needing to access engineers in Colonia assist with the rescue mission.

Thank you commanders for your dedication to our cause. Without all of your help this proud day for MAKE would not have happened.