21 Galaxies and Counting

August 17, 2022 Arpeegy

Our journey to get a foothold in all 256 known galaxies is progressing nicely.

Visitors are welcome at all of our bases and settlements.

But, be warned, not all are on paradise planets.

We are now in the following galaxies:

1. Euclid
2. Hilbert Dimension
3. Calypso
4. Hesperius Dimension
5. Hyades
6. Ickjamatew
7. Budullangr
8. Kikolgallr
9. Eltiensleen
10. Eissentam
11. Elkupalos
12. Aptarkaba
13. Ontiniangp
14. Odiwagiri
15. Ogtialabi
16. Muhacksonto
17. Hitonskyer
18. Rerasmutul
90. Paholiang
159. Rycempler
256. Odyalutai